It was almost 3 years ago that I held my very first photo session - for someone outside my own family, that is.
All I had with me was my trusty
Panasonic point-and-shoot (it still holds a special place in my heart - and bag), and two friends who were extremely happy to be gittin' hitched. Since that unforgetably
fun session, these friends have continually encouraged me in my photography. They were extremely happy with their photos, and remind me of this all the time. So I wasn't surprised to receive a somewhat scolding phone call from Rebecca, after my website debut.
"Why aren't any of *our* photos on there?!"
I tactfully tried to explain that the photos I took back then just didn't reflect my current style...and oh, and I have much better (expensive!) equipment now! She didn't sound quite satisfied, but we left it at that.
After considering it more, I decided to go back and re-master some of the photos (despite their sad JPEG, 6MP status). To give you an idea of what they looked like previously, see the comparison below.

Though do I feel that I have greatly improved over the years (I hope!!), I think these photos are still pretty special. For more than one reason.

I am lucky to have such awesome friends.
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