First of all, I just have to start by giving a big THANK YOU to Oscar and Ian, two of Dreamhost's web operators. Though I know a little about webdesign and how domains work...I obviously don't know enough, because I got myself into a heap-o-trouble this afternoon. After over a week of work, I was so scared I had lost everything you see here (not that it's much, but hey!). Then I noticed the little "chat with an operater" icon (duh, I probably should have clicked this in the first place). Long story short, this blog wouldn't be here right now without their help! Kudos to Dreamhost, they have just earned themselves another loyal customer.
But now to the business at hand - my new website! I am so excited to finally show you all what I have been working on the past couple weeks. What do you guys think? Let me know if you have any problems with it's functionality. It's a work in progress, but I think it's finally show-worthy, and I'll do my best to keep continual updates coming (be sure to subscribe!)
So now after such a very emotional web-battle this afternoon, I think I'll go enjoy the rest of my beautiful spring day. A nice walk in the park is just what I need. TTFN!