1 Bath and Body Wallflowers Scented Plugin
1 Kitchen Table
- After successfully using the Wallflowers plugin for a couple days, randomly toss it on the piece of furniture you want to "decorate". I personally chose my kitchen table, but this will work equally well - if not better - with heirloom pieces.
- It is important to lay the plastic plugin on it's side, so that the remaining oils can slowly and artistically dribble onto the table. (The end result seems to be especially poignant if you just happen to grab the plug-in from your 18 month old child before tabling it.)
- After several hours, wipe the oil off the table with a wet rag. You will immediately notice that your varnish has vanished right along with it! Leaving a very unique and artistic pattern behind. This art is almost impossible to duplicate, and I'm sure it will prod your friends and family to remark on your artistic gift for years to come.
Of course, I would never post about something like this without first trying it out for myself. Check out my results below.
Oh, Liz! It almost looks like a little baby in the second photo, sitting in one of those chairs that hold them up. It should become your business logo. ;)
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