Thursday, September 30, 2010

Twin Cities Baby Photographer - A Baby's Many Looks

I recently put together a custom photography & print order for this family.

When their first child was one month old, they had a collage like this made.  So for the second child they wanted me to adhere to the same style and design - and similar poses.  This was my attempt at same-ness. I think it turned out very well!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Twin Cities Baby Photographer - Sweet'n Pink, Angel Baby

Remember this sweet little thing? Well at two months old she's finally home from the NICU, and though the size of most newborns, I'm quite happy to report that she's strong and thriving.

She did so well at her first at-home photo session! In fact she's quite the little model. I don't often have such an angelic baby to work with, but she sure did fit the part.

Do you need newborn pictures? Enter the contest!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Twin Cities Family Photographer - A Session of Adorable Red-Heads & Their Parents

I guess you could say I have a photographic affinity for red-heads. I've had a few people point this out, as they look through my portfolio. I suppose they are drawn to me for some reason, just as I am drawn to photograph them.

I don't often get such adorable subjects as I did with this session, however! Such cute kids. And the shy fiesty-ness of the little girl made the session all the more challenging - and rewarding! Her expressions were just perfect.

Do you need new family photos?? Enter the Contest!