Sunday, June 26, 2011

Twin Cities Birth Photographer - Juniper Helen : A Home Birth Story

Though I am in the midst of unpacking my house (and will probably be so occupied for a while), I hope you enjoy these images from Juniper Helen's birth!

Birth Photography continues to be a growing passion of mine, and without a doubt my favorite event to photograph. :-) I look forward to photographing more births for this fall!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Twin Cities Toddler Photographer - Lily is One!

The last time I saw Lilyana she was 6 months old!

And now here she is at a year, toddlin' around like a pro.

Such an adorable little princess!

I have had the pleasure of photographing Lilyana from the time she was a month old (and even before that, if you count the maternity session).  It is so much fun to watch these little ones grow, and to have the honor of documenting their mini milestones.  They all grow up so fast.  You have to work quickly if you want to catch moments like this on film!


The next time you  hear from me, I will be settled in my new HOUSE! We move this weekend.  I'm soooOOO excited to have a place for the little ones to run, as well as a studio for my clients. Oh yeah, good things happenin'.  Catch you on the flip side!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Twin Cities Toddler Photographer - More Lake Play + Summer Changes

Here are a few more favorites from this super-fun toddler session!

I apologize for this week's lack of posts, but I'm getting ready to move into my new house.  And yes, I am EXCITED.

This will be our first house as a matter of fact.  And though we have many sweet memories from life in this apartment (both of our babies were born here, afterall!), we are now more than ready to say goodbye.  A two bedroom apartment (on the 3rd floor no less) get's quickly cramped with two children under 3yrs on the loose.

So stay tuned - I look forward to showing photos of the new house, our plans for it, AND the beginnings of my new photography studio! So many exciting things happening this summer, and I'll do my best to keep this blog updated as they come about.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Twin Cities Child Photographer - Lake Play!

Do you still get this kind of a thrill as you wade along the beach?

How fun it is to be 1 year old!!

(Watch for more images from this fantastic session.  I simply couldn't resist sharing this one ASAP.)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Twin Cities Family Photographer - Shula's One Year Old!

One year ago, this little sweetheart was born 2 months early. You may have read all about it here. Three months later I had the pleasure of taking this photo of her after she returned from the NICU. And now, she's one year old!

As you can see, Shula is such a joy to her parents and those around her.  We are so thankful to have her with us!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Twin Cities Child Photographer - An Afternoon With Debbie

Over Memorial Day weekend my little family took a trip to visit the grandparents in the country.  While there I proceeded to follow Debbie with the camera, attempting to film her as she dashed about.  This little movie was mostly practice for me, as I begin to venture into the movie world...but it's also a nice little memory.  I love hanging out with my little girl. :-)